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Life is a party. Dress like it.

Audrey Hepburn

It is a rainy day in Astoria, Oregon in 1925. A small woman in a worn wool coat stands in front of a Woolworth's department store window. She is admiring the fine children's clothing, knowing she simply cannot afford to buy. One special little dress catches her eye--it is perfect! With the shape and details memorized, she walks home intent on creating that special occasion magic on her Singer treadle sewing machine.



I'm Susan Alexander, and that was my Grandma Effie in front of that store window. She was a tiny white-haired dynamo, widowed at 38 with 11 kids, the youngest still in diapers when Grandpa was hit by a train. In between keeping everyone fed, hugged and out of trouble, she sewed clothing for all those babies. It was absolutely a practical skill back then, and not much admired by those who could afford "ready to wear." But oh, the lovely things she made and left for me to admire!


I grew up believing Grandma had a magical talent. I now understand her talent was a genius built from necessity, practice and imagination. As magical things now take shape under my own hands, I remember the lessons she taught. Life (and fabric) is what you make with it.


Grandma would be pleased to know that her little Susie has discovered a passion for fabric and the art of manipulating it into something beautiful and useful.  Everything I create is unique, designed and stitched together with skill and attention to detail. I'd love to create something special for you.


Time to find your own magic!

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